Substance Abuse places a major burden on businesses. No business regardless of size or location is immune to the problems that alcohol and drug abuse can cause. Ambipar is your resource for cost-effective drug testing. We will help you create a Drug-Free Workplace program to meet the needs of your company. You decide what types of testing will be part of your company policy. When you enroll with Ambipar, establishing your written policy is FREE and easy. We will help you every step of the way!

Workplaces at Risk
Substance abuse places a major burden on all segments of American Society, including the workplace. No business, regardless of size or location, is immune to the countless problems that alcohol and drug abuse can cause. The vast majority of drug users are employed and when they arrive at work, they don't leave their problems outside the door.
Small businesses have big disadvantages. They are less likely to have drug-free workplace programs in place making them a "employer-of-choice" for illicit drug users. The cost of one error by an impaired employee can devastate a small company.
Everyone involved in running a business - both employers and employees - suffers when there is workplace alcohol and drug abuse. Some costs are obvious, such as increased absences, accidents and errors. Others such as low morale and high illness rates are less so, but the effects are equally harmful.

Safeguarding the Workplace
Employers have both an expectation and an obligation to promote a healthy, safe and productive workplace. Because the use of alcohol and drugs by workers can adversely affect these interests, implementing some form of a drug testing program is appropriate.
Drug testing is one way you can protect your workplace from the negative effects of alcohol and drug abuse. Drug testing can deter people from coming to work unfit for duty and also discourage alcohol and other drug abusers from seeking employment at your company.
The Utah Voluntary Drug and Alcohol Testing Act provides that no cause of action may be brought against an employer who established a drug and alcohol testing program in compliance with the act (Utah Code, Title 34, Chapter 38).

Types of Testing
Pre-employment tests clearly decrease the chance of hiring a current substance abuser. Random tests provide a deterrent to substance use and abuse. Post-accident testing can determine if alcohol or drug use was a factor. Reasonable suspicion testing may be appropriate when there is direct observation of use or possession of drugs or alcohol, physical symptoms of being under the influence or patterns of abnormal or erratic behavior.
Employers are specifically authorized to conduct any type of testing in order to maintain the safety of employees and the public or to maintain productivity and quality of services and products. If a testing program is implemented, all management personnel must also be subject to testing. The law requires that specific requirements be met with regard to drug testing procedures.