Driver Testing

Federal Requirements
When you enroll with Ambipar we will help you develop a company policy to fit your needs. We will help your company comply with the following DOT requirements outlined in 49CFR Part 382 and Part 40: Company Drug and Alcohol Policy (§382.601); Supervisor Training; and Driver Awareness Training (§382.601 (b)).
Part 382 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations - Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing - applies to every person subject to the CDL requirements, and to all employers of such persons, who operate commercial motor vehicles in commerce in any state.
We provide confidential random selection and notification, MRO services, and company policy development. Confidential drug and alcohol records are maintained at Ambipar to meet the Federal record-keeping requirements.

Types of Testing/Consortiuml
Types of testing include: random selection, pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty, and follow-up testing.
Abmipar conducts a random draw on a bi-monthly basis. The Federal Regulations require the minimum annual percentage rate for random controlled substance testing is 50% and the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is 10%.
Your company will receive bi-monthly summaries of the random selection with the percentage rates and your number of employees subject for selection. A yearly summary will be provided at the end of each year.

Supervisor Training
§382.603 requires each employer to ensure that all persons designated to supervise drivers receive at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and at least an additional 60 minutes training on controlled substances use.
Our training is to be used by supervisors to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a driver to undergo, in accordance with §382.307, Reasonable Suspicion Testing.
Supervisor Training must include the physical, behavioral, speech and performance indicators of probable misuse and use of controlled substances.